Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Traditional Paintings

Just some quick pictures I took of some traditional painting practices I did. Photo Booth is so handy!

Sunday, June 26, 2011


The 3rd week I started on traditional painting with the figure! But I still haven't taken pictures of my traditional work yet, so I'm just gonna post the digital practices I did.

First I learned to block the figure out in black and color the background in white:

Then I learned to create a box and then draw in just part of the figure not necessarily the whole thing.

Then I learned to paint only the shadows of the figure in black and the background in gray.

Then I learned to paint lights onto the figure on top of the dark! Be bold!

I would like to upload my traditional practices soon as well. Must keep practicing!


 The first week of class I learned how to differentiate value through value studeis of landscape photography and paintings. It's all about the shapes!

The second week I learned about the difference between hard and soft lines and used it to improve some paintings I did the first week:
Before:                                                                                              After:

Before:                                                                                              After:

 And then I did some new landscape paintings using what I had learned:

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Why learning digital painting first is better than learning traditonal painting first. (According to my [new!] art teacher.)

So my teacher believes learning digital painting first is better than learning traditonally first because:
1. The paints don’t cost money.
2. Getting better at ahrt is all about mileage and painting digitally has very little setup time, as opposed to traditional painting.
3. The way he teaches digitally and traditionally is the same, so what you learn digitally can be applied to traditional painting.
Basically, the most important thing is that you can gain more mileage digitally during the time you would be setting up traditionally. However, this is just a theory he has and he has never been able to test it out…. until now. So I guess I’m his guinea pig? XD Well, I don’t mind as long as I get better!!!!!!!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Goals Summer 2011!

1. Continue 6 compositions/day + daily composition
2. Daily Digital Doodle (copying Bridgman) and/or Lineart one comic page w/ tablet
3. Film Studies - 250, 150, 100, 75, 50, 40, 25, repeat (each week)
4. Comic page studies - 250, 150, 100, 75, 50, 40, 25, repeat (each week)
5. Draw at least half-1 comic page a day
6. Become fluent in Japanese (memorize 1-2 songs/week and continue daily kanji studies, listen to Japanese music/audio recordings as you do other things like drawing)
7. Become well-versed in Microsoft Excel
8. Learn finance and all the business stuff (besides accounting) on
9. Apply for at least one internship a day.
10. Do more fanart/fancomics! :D
11. Five facial expression studies a day.